Can you live with a $50 PC ??

Why did I decided to blog about this ?

Is so simple as  : my other computer (the best one ) the turn on button broke so I can turn it on until I fix it

Too cause is going to be a good experience to never forget how computer where in 2005 ( hahaha )

Main things I have notice :

You cannot have the same power as you will have on a core i5 cause this computer is a ( drums please ) Pentium 4 good thing about it is that it uses a very reduce place , so I got more space on m room for another stuff  ; I cannot edit my videos with Kdenlive at full speed my mouse gets a little lag but the computer does a good work on the rendering .

Maybe you already ask this to yourself meanwhile you where reading : What kind of OS is he using ? ; some will say Puppy Linux  other Lubuntu and just some Ubuntu server . iF YOU  SAY LUBUNTU YOU ARE ON THE WINNING SIDE  

The computer specs : 

3GB of RAM 

35GB of  Hard Disk 

Pentium 4 

An old Compaq keyboard ( the ones that sound a lot!!! )

A klever mouse ( Klever =name of the mouse )

I hope you enjoy this post and + have a great summer !!


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