Ubuntu Budgie

Ubuntu unity desktop is ending !!!

But I have an idea for you , change to Ubuntu Budgie .
This operating system or os whatever you wanna call it , it uses almost the same Ubuntu Unity desktop and the good thing about Ubuntu budgie is that is free and fast .

That is the Ubuntu budgie desktop , very similar to the Gnome old fashion desktop , but it has some cool features that you will found and just a moment.

Features that has :

-Its Lightweight

-Its a very stable version of ubuntu and always up to date .

-Its easy to use for newcomers that haven't use ubuntu or any kind of other distro

- Its totally based on ubuntu 

Its doesn't need to much resources to run fast or smooth.

-Its powerful customizable , optimized for performance on both desktop and laptop .

If you are up to challenge go and download it right now to try it . I hope you like it after all is like using ubuntu .


Want to see more pictures to convince yourself ?


Well thats all for today i hoped you enjoy this little article and remember keep using ubuntu and free software .


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